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Contact Us

Central Administration: 8406 5000
Registrar / Enrolments: 8406 5012

Early Childhood Centre: 8406 5080

Findon Campus:
Primary Years (R-6) Admin: 8406 5100
Absentee Line: 8406 5105
Absentee Email: click here

Flinders Park Campus
7-9 Administration: 8406 5300
Absentee Line: 8406 5305
Absentee Email: click here

Kidman Park Campus
10-12 Administration: 8406 5200
Absentee Line: 8406 5305
Absentee Email: click here

Uniform Shop: 8351 7486
OSHC: 0439 896 557

RSVP to ECC Carnival Day

Saturday 26 October, 9:30am – 12:00noon | Findon Campus

RSVP – ECC Carnival Day

Kindly take a moment to RSVP using the form below. Your response will assist us in planning the event effectively. We look forward to seeing you there!

Child's Name(Required)
Parent / Caregiver Name(Required)
Please include your child in this number.