Our Catholic faith is a big part of what makes Nazareth special, and the Sacred Heart Parish Hindmarsh-Findon is at the heart of our community.
Father Fr Lancy D’Silva CSC guides the Parish.
With the support of our Parish, we offer families an opportunity to explore and to become initiated into the Catholic faith.
Our Sacramental Program is family-centred, parish-based and school supported as we value the role of parents as the first educators of their child’s faith formation.
School-aged children (from Year 3) can be prepared at Nazareth to celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Eucharist (Holy Communion). Recognising that parents have already been modelling our Christian faith to their children, the initiation of children into the sacramental life is in the main, the responsibility of parents.
It is our hope that families will choose to prepare for and celebrate the sacraments in the parish where the family attends Mass or with which they feel connected.