We understand that feeling comfortable, happy, and healthy is vital for optimal learning and personal development.
We understand that life is dynamic, and families may face a range of challenges at times. At Nazareth you don’t have to face tough issues alone – we have a dedicated Family Support Team made up of experienced professionals who provide an array of services to care for your wellbeing.
We believe that every family deserves the support they need to succeed in a compassionate, caring way. Our team are committed to helping families thrive and can work with you to develop a tailored support plan that meets your specific needs. This might include connecting you with local resources or offering counselling and emotional support.
We employ 6 highly qualified counsellors who have extensive experience working with children. Counsellors are available in private spaces for free and confidential short or long-term support.
We also understand that for refugee families, transitioning into a new culture can be especially challenging. That’s why we offer specialised support for these families, helping them navigate the complex systems and cultural differences they may encounter in Australia.
Access and support with school supplies
(eg uniform, stationery, textbooks)
The ‘Nazareth Connects’ food relief program offers care and support through preparing meals and other short-term help for families who may find themselves “running on empty”.
Donations of uniforms or stationery can be dropped off at the Reception offices of any Campus. These supports will then be utilised and accessed by other members of the Nazareth community during times when a change in circumstance or a family emergency has occurred.
Family and Pastoral Care works closely with the counselling team who can provide additional supports directly to the student and a referral for this service or to access Family Support can be made by following the links above.
Please note our counsellor emails are not monitored at high frequency and must not be used for emergency contact. In the case of a mental health emergency, please call 000 or go to your nearest emergency department. Additionally:
For students: Kids Helpline is available on 1800 55 1800 and by webchat at kidshelpline.com.au, Headspace on 1800 650 890 and eheadspace.org.au, or Lifeline on 13 11 14 and by webchat at lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat
For parents: Mental Health Trage Service is available on 13 14 65 or Parent Helpline South Australia is available on 1300 364 100