A school-based apprenticeship or traineeship is a formal contract that enables students to commence training as an apprentice or trainee while still at school. A school-based apprenticeship or traineeship combines paid work, training and schooling while undertaking the SACE.
It is a long and detailed process to negotiate a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship contract, and the agreement between an employer, a parent/guardian, and the school needs to be formally documented in the contract. For these reasons, students are usually in Year 11 or 12 when starting an actual apprenticeship/traineeship, although negotiations often commence 4-6 months before commencing.
The first step is for students to find an employer willing to employ them as a school-based apprentice and trainee.
Students interested in school-based apprenticeships should make an appointment with the Careers and Pathways Coordinator.
Appointments are available before and after school and during recess and lunch. Students are reminded not to book their appointments during their lesson times.