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Central Administration: 8406 5000
Registrar / Enrolments: 8406 5012

Early Childhood Centre: 8406 5080

Findon Campus:
Primary Years (R-6) Admin: 8406 5100
Absentee Line: 8406 5105
Absentee Email: click here

Flinders Park Campus
7-9 Administration: 8406 5300
Absentee Line: 8406 5305
Absentee Email: click here

Kidman Park Campus
10-12 Administration: 8406 5200
Absentee Line: 8406 5305
Absentee Email: click here

Uniform Shop: 8351 7486
OSHC: 0439 896 557

Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum

Child safety and respectful relationships.

The Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC) is a respectful relationships and child safety curriculum that teaches all children and young people they have the right to be safe and they can help themselves to be safe by talking to people they trust. 

The KS:CPC is delivered by teachers to children and young people each year from Age 3 to Year 12. Teachers who deliver the curriculum complete training in its use. The KS:CPC fits primarily within the Health and Physical Education learning area of the Australian Curriculum but can be integrated and taught across multiple learning areas. In Years 7-12 at Nazareth, it is taught as part of the Mentor Group Wellbeing Program.

Resources for Parents & Caregivers

These fact sheets are a fantastic resource for parents wanting more information about the CPC. It also provides support strategies and directs them to other important information. 

Early Years – Year 2 Fact Sheet

Years 3-5 Fact Sheet

Years 6-9 Fact Sheet

Years 10-12 Fact Sheet