A holistic approach to student wellbeing is paramount. Accordingly, at Nazareth, we adopt relational and proactive decision-making processes when working with students to build a positive and connected learning environment. It is important parents/caregivers ensure medical information and emergency contact details are kept up to date via Consent2Go or by contacting the College.
A child showing any indication of illness should stay home until they are well. It is recommended that a child remains home for 24 hours after any gastro-like symptoms.
At the Findon Campus, learning areas and staff on yard duty have first aid kits for minor first aid requirements such as cuts and abrasions. Students who need more specialised first aid are sent to Student Services. Parents/caregivers of students who visit the sick room will be notified via SEQTA.
When a child is ill or injured and needs to go home or be seen by a doctor, they must report to Student Services whereby a parent/caregiver will be notified by phone and requested to collect their child. Students are not permitted to contact their parent/caregiver themselves.
In Years 7-12, any student who requires first aid will be treated by Student Services. When a child is ill or injured and needs to go home or be seen by a doctor, they must report to Student Services whereby a parent/caregiver will be notified by phone and requested to collect their child. Students are not permitted to contact their parents/caregivers themselves via mobile phone. Student Services will contact parents/caregivers.
The provision of medication is the responsibility of parents/caregivers and will only be administered by the school’s First Aid Officer. Only medication in original packaging will be given. Medication will only be given to students with written consent from their General Practitioner or medical authority.
A medical management plan is required for all chronic conditions e.g. asthma, diabetes and allergies, outlining the student’s condition, treatment and emergency signs and procedures. This plan must be updated as required, and all medications must be presented to Student Services. Students in Years 7-12 may accept the responsibility for their own medication, including the use of aerosol ‘puffers’. It is the parents/caregiver’s responsibility to ensure that the medication is in original packaging from the doctor or pharmacist, outlining the dose and frequency of the medication.
If your child requires an Epi Pen it is the parent’s/caregiver’s responsibility to provide one to Student Services. It must be clearly marked with the child’s name and must be replaced prior to expiry.
When medication expires, parents/caregivers will be notified and it is imperative that replacement medication is provided, as the school is not permitted to administer expired medications.
This information is taken from “Catholic Education Office, First Aid Guidelines” and the Nazareth First Aid Policy.
Generic medication, e.g. Panadol, is not kept at school. It is the parent’s/caregiver’s responsibility to ensure that any short-term medication is clearly marked with the child’s name and the dosage is clearly marked on the original bottle or packet and is accompanied by a signed letter from a medical practitioner outlining the administration procedures. Medication will only be administered by a qualified Senior First Aid staff member.
Under no circumstance will medication be dispensed to students without written consent from a medical authority (e.g. a letter or prescription script from the GP). If medication is given to a student, it will be recorded on SEQTA.
Our learning areas are air-conditioned, so children are expected to stay at school rather than go home early on hot days. If your child suffers unduly from the heat, please discuss alternate arrangements with your child’s class teacher. When the weather is above 35 degrees or wet, students will remain indoors at break times.
At the Flinders Park and Kidman Park Campuses, the Nazareth hat is compulsory for outdoor lessons and optional for recess and lunchtime. At the Findon Campus, our policy is ‘Hat on, Play on’. This rule applies to Term 1 and Term 4. Recent research indicates low levels of Vitamin D in children of school age. The UV levels in Term 2 and Term 3 usually do not pose a risk and a hat is not required.
“It is vital that when educating our children’s brains that we do not neglect to educate their hearts” – Dalai Lama
Student wellbeing at Nazareth supports young people in developing their social and emotional capacity. We aim to develop the whole person and allow students to explore the contemporary world around them.
A holistic approach to Student Wellbeing is important to us. We value relationships as a key part of developing our community, and we aim to work in partnership with students and families to ensure all members of our community feel a sense of belonging.
We offer students a range of opportunities through our curriculum and community programs. Students are involved in learning experiences around contemporary Cyber Safety programs. They are immersed in Positive Psychology approaches in the classroom and are supported through Restorative Practices when facing and resolving conflict. Our goal is to provide students with an understanding of their place in their world and to help them succeed. We believe our school’s focus on wellbeing will lay the foundation for students to develop their own personal, social and emotional capabilities to support them in becoming connected, active and informed citizens of the future.
Read more about student wellbeing at Nazareth.
At Nazareth we provide opportunities for students to explore, create and sustain positive relationships, and when incidents occur, a restorative approach is taken. We aim to guide each child towards care for others, whilst also taking ownership over their own choices and actions. This highlights the importance of relationships and is a way for students to develop an understanding of empathy for others. A restorative approach creates opportunities for those involved in a conflict to work together to understand, clarify and resolve the incident and work towards repairing the harm caused.
At Nazareth we support students to follow three fair and reasonable expectations to maintain a safe and happy school environment for all. Therefore, these expectations are non-negotiable, as the wellbeing of our students is paramount. These expectations not only exist inside our school community, but are expectations that are valued in all aspects of life.
At Nazareth, we believe every person has the right to be safe, and every person has the right to learn and build relationships free from anxiety caused by bullying.
If your child’s behaviour causes anyone to feel unhappy or unsafe, Nazareth considers it harassment. Consistent ongoing negative behaviour is bullying.
Nazareth does not tolerate harassment or bullying and will work to prevent and address these behaviours should they occur within the school environment in line with our policies and procedures.
Please refer to the R-12 Bullying & Harassment Policy and Personal Responsibility & Wellbeing Procedures on our website.
Bullying and harassment that take place outside the school environment and during school hours is the responsibility of parents/caregivers. Where this behaviour impacts the learning environment within the school, both staff and parents will work together to address the situation.
From time to time situations arise where counselling support can be beneficial for our students and families. Students and/or parents can contact our counselling team to make an appointment with our counsellors via Student Services, in person or by phone.
Your child’s class teacher/mentor teacher and/or House Leader are also available for support throughout your child’s learning journey.
Nazareth acknowledges and accepts that many students are employed in casual part-time positions outside of school hours. We recognise the positive character-building value of out-of-school-hours employment and the opportunity for students to develop important work-related experiences and skills as well as social skills. However, we are aware that in some instances the demands made by such employment may conflict with students’ learning and school organisation. We therefore urge parents/caregivers to encourage their children to arrange a suitable work schedule that does not impinge on any part of the school day or study commitments. In particular, the scheduled starting time for work can be problematic, i.e., students are expected to remain at school until the end of the school day. From time to time, students may be required to be involved in various out-of-school-hours activities such as practices or performances, which must also be given priority.