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Contact Us

Central Administration: 8406 5000
Registrar / Enrolments: 8406 5012

Early Childhood Centre: 8406 5080

Findon Campus:
Primary Years (R-6) Admin: 8406 5100
Absentee Line: 8406 5105
Absentee Email: click here

Flinders Park Campus
7-9 Administration: 8406 5300
Absentee Line: 8406 5305
Absentee Email: click here

Kidman Park Campus
10-12 Administration: 8406 5200
Absentee Line: 8406 5305
Absentee Email: click here

Uniform Shop: 8351 7486
OSHC: 0439 896 557

Mid-Year Reception Transition Questionnaire

Thank you for taking the time to complete the questionnaire. We value your input and look forward to working in partnership with you over the coming years.

Child's Name(Required)

Language and Cognitive Skills

Physical Health and Wellbeing

Is your child independent in managing themselves (e.g. eating, toileting, dressing)(Required)
Are there any health and wellbeing concerns we need to be aware of? (e.g. separation anxiety at drop off, low/high energy levels at certain times).(Required)
Has your child had a hearing and vision screening?(Required)
Has your child been recommended for any Allied Health Services? (e.g. speech and language therapy, OT, psychologist).(Required)
Has your child engaged with any Allied Health Services on a regular basis?(Required)
If yes, will this support continue once your child has commenced school?
Has your child been recommended for or received any Allied Health Assessments?(Required)
If applicable, please email any reports to Lisa Clark (Registrar) prior to your child commencing school. [email protected]

Social Competence / Emotional Maturity

Does your child interact well with others? (e.g. siblings, cousins, and/or family friends etc).(Required)
Does your child cope well with a change to their normal routine?(Required)
Does your child follow instructions well?(Required)
Does your child cope well when engaging in non-preferred activities?(Required)

General Information

Do you see your child requiring any additional support in at school?(Required)