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Year 8 Food Technology Curriculum Embraces Sustainability with FEAST Program from OzHarvest

In the Year 8 Food Technology Curriculum, a new aspect has been introduced to the popular ‘Food For Life’ course. This requires students to engage in sustainability training to promote and reduce food waste. This Term they have begun their FEAST course work which represents ‘Food Education, And Sustainability Training’, based on a program run by the not-for-profit Organisation OzHarvest.

“So far, the Year 8 students have developed an understanding of how food is wasted – primarily in the home,” says Mrs Ann-Marie Springetti, Year 8 Food Technology teacher.

“This is discussed through engaging with their OzHarvest Design Folio, YouTube videos on food waste, and classroom discussion and practicals,” she continues.

“They have developed a greater understanding of the facts of food waste.”

“We have learnt how to use cook delicious meals and use food efficiently and not waste it by using what we have at home” says Year 8 Food Technology students Marie and Carlita.

To further extend their learning and skills during the course, the students undertake practicals in the kitchen during class. Dishes they recently made were vegetable and lentil soup and french toast with mixed berries and yogurt. This emphasised ways to use leftover or stale bread to produce a breakfast meal.

Stay tuned on our Facebook and Instagram pages throughout the Term to see the Year 8 students’ studies in their ‘Food For Life’ course.  


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